Contagious Hope

Romans 15 v. 13 New Living Translation says:
I pray that God, the source of hope will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Not over stretched.  Not over running.  Not over worked over and over again
But overflowing with confident hope

Can I confess that hope can sometimes seem like a dangerous thing?
Because it might open me up 
Open me up to disappointment or let down
It makes me feel vulnerable

But then I read in Proverbs that hope deferred makes the heart sick
Hope deferred makes the heart sick and if that’s the case, I need to be referred to my God quick-ly 
before my heart gets hard, 
calcified with cynicism, 
necrotic with pessimism
Before hopelessness spreads and I become a sarcastic soul
Joyless, dark humour with sharp and bitter tongue
I need to be seen by the great Physician before I become a weary old nurse
Paralysed by doubt
Always expecting the worst
Resigned, accepting the worst

Forgive me Lord.

And I pray, that you, being the very source of all hope would fill us today
Like the sun on a sudden hot day in winter
Would you flood our hearts again?
Would you stream in through the slats of venetian office blinds
Stream in through waiting and clinic room windows
Into bays and cubicles and onto wards, 
into labs and theatres,
Into our community and into people’s homes! Light us up!
Thaw frosty scepticism 
Soften hard ground
Let what has lied dormant, buried deep down and unseen
Let it stir again
Let’s see what new life might emerge
Fill us with hope again today we pray, amen.