I AM at work in your hospital


I’m sorry, ‘What’s my name?’
Let me introduce myself to you
look at my badge ‘#Hello, my name is I AM’
Did you know that I work in your hospital?

I AM a surgeon.  Skilled with my powerful right hand.  I AM steady and precise.  I am the leading expert

I AM a first responder.  Beating everyone else too it.  I’m fast.  Quick to answer to your call.

I AM the ward clerk.  Constant.  Keeping everything going.  The glue that holds everything together.

I AM the nurse who holds your hand, soothes your dry lips,
and sees your healing through right to the end

I AM a porter.  I can access all areas.  Here me now!  There is no-where off limits to I AM. 

In the delivery suites and birthing rooms I AM
In the outpatients clinincs I AM
In the theatres I AM
In the blood bank I AM
and guess what, in the morgue. I AM too

I AM the cleaner.  Doing the dirty jobs.  Scrubbing, scraping, scowering.  I love a deep clean.

I AM the pharmist.  Meticulous and precise in my working.  I am safe.

I AM the CEO on the board of directors.  I carry great authority.

Ha Ha Scrap that!  I AM the Health Security even.  I govern all!

and I AM the patient, the stranger you meet.  Naked except that hospital gown.
That’s right

Keep an eye out for I AM in your hospital.